Meeting Europe’s lithium demand for decades to come
Hombre Muerto South
Meeting Europe’s Lithium demand for decades to come

"There simply isn't enough lithium to keep up with the future demand for electric vehicles."

1 Lithium brine segment "Hombre Muerto South"
2 Copper porphyry segment "Copper One"
3 Solar park
4 Hydroelectric power plant
This Lithium deposit is the last existing opportunity in the Hombre Muerto Basin, the most profitable basin in the world.
Hombre Muerto Basin, Argentina.
450 Km from Salta city, 7 hrs by vehicle. Situated next to the Galan Volcano which is the primary lithium source in the region.
Based on the resource density of the adjacent Hombre Muerto Basin projects, between 10 to 24 million tonnes of LCE resource.

Projects in the Hombre Muerto Basin are the most profitable lithium projects in the world, driven by three factors:
This drives low production costs and a favourable ecological footprint.